
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:白鲸 更新时间:2017-11-15
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Abstract: As one of the representative works by Charles Dickens, Great Expectations emphasizes that social patterns and human behavioral consciousness are interrelated with the change of the hero’s psychological journey, reflects the dark sides of the contemporary society and praises the good quality of ordinary people and the laboring people. From the aspect of narrative art, narrative irony is a basic way of ironical discourse in the novel. It aims to highlight or latent the two through opposition so as to produce a unique effect of irony. It reveals further the real will opposite to the literal meaning. The major narrative irony in the work consists of three categories: situation irony (parody or funny imitation), intonation irony (narrative attitude and content contrary) and discourse irony (antiphrasis). The in-depth analysis of the three kinds of irony in the novel not only helps the readers understand the essence of the work better, but also learn the relationship between environment and character from the ups and downs of life and mentality, and finally reflect about the world seriously and our hearts deeply.

Key words: Great Expectations; Situation Irony; Intonation Irony; Discourse Irony






  1.1 Introduction to Charles Dickens

  1.2 Introduction to Great Expectations

2. Ironic Narrative Technique in the Novel.3

  2.1 Introduction to Irony

  2.2 Detailed Analysis of Irony

 2.2.1 The Situation Irony. 3

2.2.2 The Intonation Irony5

2.2.3 The Discourse Irony6

3.Significance of Irony in the Work8



Acknowledgments .12

上传会员 白鲸 对本文的描述:本文通过对小说中三种反讽手法的深入分析,不仅帮助读者更好地理解作品的实质,更能从人物的人生起落和心路历程中感悟环境与性格的相互关系,从而进行对世界的认真思考,对自......
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