
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:白鲸 更新时间:2017-11-15
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Abstract: The paper reports an empirical study comparing the effect of listening input, oral output and written output on high school students’ incidental vocabulary acquisition with the Comprehensible Input Hypothesis and the Comprehensible Output Hypothesis as the theoretical framework. The results show that output tasks can better promote incidental vocabulary learning than listening input task. As far as the output tasks are concerned, retelling have greater influence on the target forms in incidental vocabulary learning than dictation. Therefore, in the future in teaching listening, teachers may integrate different forms of tasks following the input task of listening so that more language forms, with vocabulary in particular, may be learned incidentally for better effect of language development.

Key words: Incidental vocabulary acquisition; input; output hypothesis






1.1 The General Description of the Research

1.2Research Motivations and Objectives

1.3The Overall Structure of the Thesis

2. Literature Review..2

2.1 Definition of Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition

2.2 Theoretical Framework: Input Hypothesis and Output Hypothesis

2.3 Related Studies on Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition

2.3.1 Studies Between Input and Output Vocabulary Learning

2.3.2 Contrast Between Input and Output Activities in Incidental Vocabulary


  2.3.3 Studies Comparing Effect of Output Tasks in Incidental Vocabulary


3. Methodology ..5

3.1 Research Question

3.2 Participant

3.3 Listening Material and Target Words

4. Results and Discussion .7

4.1 Results in Immediate Posttest

4.2 Results in Delayed Posttest

5. Conclusion .......9

5.1 Major Findings and Pedagogical Implication

5.2 Limitations of the Study



A. Listening Material

B. Word List

上传会员 白鲸 对本文的描述:结果表明,输出任务比输入任务更有效促进词汇附带习得。而两种输出任务相比较,口头复述比听写目标词对二语词汇附带习得的即时影响更明显。在听力教学中,教师可以针对不同学......
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