
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小猪猪 更新时间:2017-11-20
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Chapter One Introduction-1

Chapter Two Framework: Skopos Theory-3

2.1 The formative process of Skopostheorie-3

2.2 The Rules of Skopos Theory-4

Chapter Three The Differences in Connotation of Chinese and Britain Tea Culture-5

3.1 The Differences in Tea Drinking Culture-5

3.2 Differences in Spiritual Factors-6

3.3 Difference in Literary Works-6

Chapter Four The Translation of Tea Culture Under the Guidance of Skopostheorie-8

4.1 Transliteration-8

4.2 Literal Translation-9

4.3 Free Translation-9

Chapter Five Conclusion-11





China is the hometown of tea as well as the birthplace of tea culture. In the long history of development, it has formed its unique Chinese tea culture. After entering Britain, tea has become necessaries in daily life which could meet the needs of different classes and become a bridge to link China and the world. Under the perspective of Skopos Theory, this paper makes analysis on the differences of Chinese and British tea culture connotation from material, spiritual and linguistic aspect, and also studies on the translation of tea culture under the guidance of Skopos theory, hoping to further understand the China and Britain tea culture. 


Keywords: tea culture  connotation  tea culture translation  Skopos Theory

上传会员 小猪猪 对本文的描述:本文从目的论的角度出发,把中英茶文化的内涵差异及其翻译作为研究对象,从物质、精神、语言这三方面研究茶文化的内涵,在目的论的指导下研究茶文化的翻译,通过此项研究,希......
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