
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小猪猪 更新时间:2017-11-20
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Chapter One Introduction-1

Chapter Two Stylistic Features of English Business Letters-2

2.1 Morphological Features-2

2.2 Syntactical Features-3

2.3 Lexical Features-3

Chapter Three Translation Strategies of English Business Letters-5

3.1 Literal Translation-5

3.2 Free Translation-6

3.3 Literal Translation with Annotation-8

Chapter Four Conclusion-9





With the rapid development of world economy, the foreign trade becomes more and more frequent. The English business letters serve as the main communication tools for business activities and play a very important role in acting as the documentary evidence for the trade disputes. Therefore, the translation of business letters must be accurate and appropriate, and we should pay more attention on it and be more cautious; otherwise it will cause great inconvenience and losses. Through displaying examples and comparisons, this paper makes a detailed analysis of the characteristics of the English business letters, concludes the translation strategies of the English business letters and points out the problems of the translation in the English business letters which should be paid attention to.


Keywords: English business letters  stylistic features  translation strategies

上传会员 小猪猪 对本文的描述:商务信函的翻译必须准确和恰当,我们需要更加专注,更加谨慎;否则会造成极大的不便和损失。本文通过实例展示和比较,对商务英语信函的特点进行详细分析,总结了翻译策略,并......
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