
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小猪猪 更新时间:2017-11-20
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Chapter One Introduction-1

  1.1 Introduction to Pearl S. Buck and Lin Yutang-1

1.2 Introduction to East Wind: West Wind and Moment in Peking-1

1.3 Literary Review.2

  1.4 Aim and Structure of the Thesis3

Chapter Two Analysis of the Social Background and Women’s Status4

  2.1 Reform and Revolutions Promoted Women’s Social Status4

  2.2 Breaking off Constrains of Feudal System4

  2.3 Arranged Marriage Challenged by Civilized Marriage.5

Chapter Three Analysis between Yang Kwei-lan and Yao Mulan-6

3.1 Similarities between Yang Kwei-lan and Yao Mulan-6

3.1.1 Similarity in Name:Similar Moral Expectation from Their Parents.6

3.1.2 Contact with both Traditional and Western Concepts.6

3.1.3 Both in an Arranged Marriage7

 3.2 Differences between Yang Kwei-lan and Yao Mulan7

3.2.1 Different Family Education7

3.2.2 Different Practice in Footbinding.8

3.2.3 Different Female Consciousness9

Chapter Four Conclusions-.11




Pearl S. Buck and Lin Yutang are famous writers at a same era, and they are close friends. In East Wind: West Wind, Pearl S. Buck pays more attention to the main female character Yang Kwei-lan. Kwei-lan shows the beauty of traditional Chinese women. She once tried to please her husband by her beauty, obedience and high cooking skill, but all failed at last. Her husband teaches her Western advanced culture, and let her gradually get rid of the feudal Chinese culture. And thereafter, she begins to accept new ideas and new concepts positively. In Moment in Peking, Lin Yutang likes the main female character Yao Mulan very much because she is very beautiful and intelligent. And Lin also puts his own concept of love, view of marriage and values on Yao Mulan.

This thesis intends to analyze the differences and similarities of Chinese women in Pearl S. Buck’s novel East Wind: West Wind and Lin Yutang’s novel Moment in Peking. So people can get better understanding of Chinese culture, and know the great meanings and influences of Chinese women’s growth and self awareness. The article is made of four chapters. The introduction of Pearl S. Buck and Lin Yutang, and the introduction of their novels East Wind: West Wind and Moment in Peking is on the first chapter, then the second introduces the social backgrounds and the changes of women’s social status. The third chapter analyzes the differences and similarities between Yang Kwei-lan and Yao Mulan from many aspects. The fourth is the conclusion. 


Keywords:  Pearl S. Buck  East Wind: West Wind  Lin Yutang  Moment in Peking

上传会员 小猪猪 对本文的描述:本论文旨在通过对《东风:西风》中的杨桂兰和《京华烟云》中的姚木兰的对比分析,从而总结出赛珍珠与林语堂笔下的中国女性的异同点,使人们能够更好的了解中国文化,重视中国......
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