
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小猪猪 更新时间:2017-11-20
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Chapter One Introduction 1

1.1 Introduction to Jane Austen 1

1.2 Introduction to Sense and Sensibility .2

1.3 Literature Review 3

1.4 Composition of the Thesis .3

Chapter Two A New Female from Romantic to Realistic—Marianne .4

  2.1 Romantic Marianne .4

  2.2 Realistic Marianne .5

  2.3 Analysis on the Change .7

Chapter Three Causes of Jane Austen of Creating Marianne 9

  3.1 Background of This Novel 9

  3.2 The View of Marriage in Jane Austen’s Time .10

  3.3 Jane Austen’s Life Experience and View of Marriage 11

Chapter Four Conclusion .13

References 14




Jane Austen is a gifted British writer in the 19th century, as well as one of the most influential women writers in literary history. She has published a lot of excellent works so far, among which Sense and Sensibility published receives the greatest success and wins affirm from many readers. The theme of her works is mainly about love and marriage from the view of female. Virginia Woolf also called her “the most perfect artist among women”.

This novel describes the story of Elinor and Marianne, the two sisters, who were born in a gentleman family in English country, the elder sister is good at using sense to control emotions, but the little sister’s feelings are often without restraint, so in the face of love, they made different reflections and choices. In this thesis, I will put emphasis on Marianne’s character, to find out what has made her change from romantic to realistic. This novel according to the two sister’s different character, through the comparison, “sense” and “sensibility” are put forward. 

Key Words: Jane Austen  Sense and Sensibility  marriage  emotion

上传会员 小猪猪 对本文的描述:这部小说主要讲述了出生在一个英国乡绅家庭的姐妹俩埃诺莉和玛丽安娜,姐姐善于用理智来控制情感,妹妹的情感却毫无节制,因此面对爱情时,她们作出了不同的反映和选择。这篇......
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