
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小猪猪 更新时间:2017-11-20
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Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1 Research Background-1

1.2 Organization of the Paper-1

Chapter Two Theoretical Frame-2

2.1 The Relationship between Time and Culture-2

2.2 Different Perceptions to Time between the East and the West-3

Chapter Three Communication Barriers Arriving from Different Perceptions to Time-5

3.1 Barriers in Communicative Behaviors-5

3.2 Barriers in Thinking Patterns-5

3.3 Barriers in Value Systems-6

Chapter Four Feasible Countermeasures-8

4.1 Improving Cultural Awareness-8

4.2 Overcoming the Ethnocentrism-8

4.3 Adapting to Time Perceptions of Different Cultures-9

Chapter Five Conclusion-10





Economic development promotes the prosperity of culture. With economic globalization, intercultural communication has become an indispensable part of people's life. To master the knowledge of intercultural communication can not only help people understand the cultural differences, but also help them take the initiative in intercultural communication. On the contrary, little knowledge of intercultural communication will inevitably lead to intercultural communication barriers, affecting the effectiveness of a series of communication activities, ultimately leading to communication failure to some degree.

This paper mainly discusses different perceptions to time between Chinese culture and Western culture from the time orientation, the time system, and attitudes towards time. In addition, it also points out the intercultural communication barriers caused by different perceptions to time, which usually occur in different aspects, such as communicative behaviors, thinking patterns, and value systems. Finally, the author puts forward feasible countermeasures to cultivate intercultural communication ability of practitioners, taking the dominant position in intercultural communication.


Keywords:  perception to time  cultural differences  intercultural communication

上传会员 小猪猪 对本文的描述:本文主要从时间取向、时间体系以及对待时间的态度等方面讨论中西方不同的时间观念。此外,还指出了因时间观念差异所引起的跨文化交流障碍,主要体现在交际行为、思考模式以及......
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