
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:阿怪 更新时间:2014-03-14
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[关键词]:成人; 儿童; 区别; 解决方案


[Abstract]: More and more adults started learning to play the violin, but for adult learning to play the violin and suitability of adult learning to play the violin practice method existed all doubt. This paper analyzed from various aspects of adult violin and children's violin, focuses on the analysis of the difference between the characteristics of adult learning piano, adult children learning violin when comparing the advantages and disadvantages. According to the characteristics of adult learning piano summarized some practice method, and the view of the adult practice when the problems occurred some solutions. The author believes that, as long as you follow the correct study methods of learning and practicing the violin, adult can also learn violin.

[Keywords]: adult; children; difference; solutions

上传会员 阿怪 对本文的描述:大多数成人是出自于对小提琴强烈的热爱与兴趣,才走上学琴之路。而很多儿童学习小提琴并非是出于对小提琴真正的热爱,而是家长的要求或者是处于好奇、跟风等原因,有很大的盲......
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