
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:陈老师 更新时间:2013-09-14
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关键词: 形体气质训练;女大学生;芭蕾


Abstract:Female college students are the groups of social development can not be ignored. In this paper, physical temperament training on study of the effects of female college students. Learning dance from the need for trained physical qualities, temperament dance form the main contents of the training, dance, physical temperament on Female students an active role in the training course of setting up physical qualities of the prospect of the four aspects are discussed on how to carry out physical Training made personal temperament to think of college students to improve the overall quality of women would certainly help. 

Key Words:  Body temperament training, Female college students, Ballet 




上传会员 陈老师 对本文的描述:当代女大学生是社会发展不可忽视的群体。本文就形体气质训练对女大学生的影响展开研究。从学习舞蹈形体气质训练的必要性、舞蹈形体气质训练的主要内容、舞蹈形体气质训练对女......
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