
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:阿怪 更新时间:2014-03-14
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关键词: 淮剧; 戏曲; 戏剧样式; 传统; 现代; 推陈出新;


Abstract:Huai Opera as Drama , In the world other than the old style of course is a relatively late drama, But from its birth date, Along the way, after the storm, there are some brilliant. By Huai-depth understanding of the arts to further study how to introduce new Huai Opera, Beyond the binary opposition of tradition and modernity, fate-like out of this dilemma? 

    "city new Huai Opera, popular in northern Jiangsu" of made, to we spread has a information, is rely on self-, creation new sound, original school "city new Huai Opera, popular in northern Jiangsu" by reflected of is excellent Opera culture traditional factors creative of continued, is sought Opera culture brand of new of positioning, and "old Huai Opera, popular in northern Jiangsu" by revealed of is a lifestyle, and a history culture, and a social mentality, and a civilization. Response to the above-mentioned situation, needs and Huai Opera, popular in northern Jiangsu actors to Exchange, learn about their living situation, Pu Qu compare old and new Huai Opera, popular in northern Jiangsu Huai Opera, popular in northern Jiangsu.  refer to the concepts and methods of cultural studies, the Huai Opera, popular in northern Jiangsu art as a way of life. II: comparative study on the application of methods, study on new city compared to the old Huai Opera, popular in northern Jiangsu Huai Opera, popular in northern Jiangsu and find similarities and differences between forms, and other aspects of, and for analysis. Three: field survey the city form of new performances of Huai Opera, popular in northern Jiangsu and actor's living situation.

Keywords:  Huai Opera; Opera; Theatre style; Traditional ; Modern ; Innovation

上传会员 阿怪 对本文的描述:在淮剧从传统走向现代的历程中,一个人们耳熟能详的俗话就是“去其精华,取其糟粕”。意思是“去掉旧事情的糟粕,并取其精华,使它向新的方向发展”。然而,面对传统,究竟是......
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