
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:怪叔叔 更新时间:2014-03-21
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关键词;音乐剧; 面貌; 风格; 音乐与戏剧的结合 


abstact:themusic dramahappened in the USA of the 20th century,exist to today,more and more people start to like it ,The article tells us a piece of musical Mamma mia of britain and america,according to the research of it let me have  a deeper understanding of the infatuating music drama  and the present situation of musical nowadays in China and abroad domestic and overseas .the artical main tell us the combination of songs and drama,the character of the style,the appearance of The west music drama and China music drama nowadays,according to a deeper understanding ofthe artical let us know Musical Mamma mia ,understanding music drama  ,like it ,liking music drama  .

key words:  themusic dramathe;  appearance ; style; the combination of music and drama

上传会员 怪叔叔 对本文的描述:《妈妈咪呀!》,该剧所有的音乐来自ABBA(阿巴)乐队的歌曲,由曲生戏。ABBA乐队,1973年组成的瑞典流行组合,ABBA的歌曲总是能够令人特别愉快,他们的旋律和节奏随时的传递着人们最......
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