
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:白色球鞋 更新时间:2014-04-17
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[关键词]:萨克斯; 音色; 特点; 气息; 力度


【Abstract】: The saxophone in the popularization and development of our country in the late Qing Dynasty, with the sax master of exploration and research, the saxophone playing skills more and more skilled. And as the elements of the first performance of thsaxophone tone, rarely been studied. A beautiful sound of the lack of musical works as a carrier, then the saxophone expression no longer exists, the audience has no resonance and musical works of aesthetic taste and interest. In this paper, the structure on the saxophone music characteristics introduced, from the introduction of the saxophone mouthpiece, reed, and the person's mouth, breath and other factors affect the sound, find ways to control the tone of learners, the learners better learn and reference.

【Keywords】: saxophone; tone; characteristics; breath; the intensity of

上传会员 白色球鞋 对本文的描述:萨克斯是在19世纪由比利时器乐制作家-阿道夫.萨克斯(1814-1894)发明的木管和铜管相结合的的乐器。低音竖笛的吹口管以及喇叭管,成为阿道夫.萨克斯发明萨克斯的灵感来源。低音竖笛......
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