
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:白色球鞋 更新时间:2014-04-17
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关键词:琵琶  诉 音乐旋律 演奏技法 曲式结构


Abstract: Pipa song “Speaking” is created in Tang dynasty by Wu Houyuan, based on the famous long poem “Pipa Xing” of Bai Juyi, who wrote the poem one year after his demotion to Jiang Zhou. The poem expressed how miserable the poet was after he was beaten in politics by telling a story of a Pipa player who had talents but poor background. However, Wu Hongyuan showed a deeper understanding in the song, which consisted of various execution skills. In this paper, the author analyses the structure of the tune from two points, the melody and the execution skills.

Key words: pipa  Speaking  Music melody  Playing techniques  Formal structure

上传会员 白色球鞋 对本文的描述:琵琶独奏曲《诉》属于单乐章多段体的曲式结构,开始有引子,最后又尾声。因为这是一首带有叙事性的艺术作品,因此要以具体内容为表现前提。曲作者把《诉》分为8个段落,多段体......
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