
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:白色球鞋 更新时间:2014-04-17
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【中文摘要】:罗西尼是19世纪上半叶著名的喜歌剧三杰之一,一生作有大小歌剧38部。 罗西尼将他的作品与他当时的生活环境、社会环境紧紧联系在了一起。他的生活和主要创作活动处在欧洲封建复辟的年代,同时也是意大利民族运动兴起的时期。他的作品中包含了先进和消极两种倾向。一方面为迎合统治阶级的需要,写下了不少宫廷贵族艺术趣味的歌剧,另一方面也有一些作品反映了当时资产阶级的民主思想和民族意识,起了积极的社会作用,艺术上也颇有造诣,至今仍广为流传。其中《塞维利亚的理发师》是当时意大利喜歌剧的代表作。而咏叹调《我听到美妙的歌声》是歌剧《塞维利亚的理发师》中的精彩唱段,具有较高的难度。所以本文将主要从歌剧的创作特征、音乐的情感表达以及艺术表现这三个主要方面进行分析,总结这首作品的音乐特色和人物塑造要求。为今后的演唱者和研究者提供了有力依据。

【关键词】:罗西尼; 创作特征; 情感表达; 艺术表现;


[Abstract]:  Rossini was the first half of the nineteenth Century the famous comic opera in one of three. Life size opera 38. His works of Rossini and his then living environment, social environment closely linked together. His life and his main activities in European feudal restoration time, Italy is also the national movement period. His works include the advanced and two negative tendencies. Hand in order to meet the need of the ruling class, to write a lot of palace noble artistic interest in opera, on the other hand, there are also some works reflected the bourgeois democracy and the national consciousness, has played a positive role in society, art is also quite accomplished, are still widely read. The" Barber of Seville" in Italy was a comic opera masterpiece. The Aria" I hear a beautiful song" opera" the barber of Seville" in the exciting aria, has a higher degree of difficulty, so this paper will be mainly from the opera creation features, music emotion expression and artistic expression of the three major aspects of the analysis, summarized this song musical features and character requirements in the future, as singer and researchers to provide strong basis .....

[Key words]:Rossini ;   creative character ;  emotional expression ;   artistic expression;

上传会员 白色球鞋 对本文的描述:通过歌声的演唱方式,表达了男女对自由恋爱的向往。而从声乐专业演绎技巧来看,其风格将意大利旋律和美声唱法的技巧相结合,高水准高指标的将明快华丽的音乐表现的淋漓尽致。......
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