
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:白色球鞋 更新时间:2014-04-17
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关键词:作品背景; 结构分析; 演唱风格及特点


Abstract:The art song" Meng Jiangnv" by China National composer conductor Wang Zhixin ,Liu Lin, composer, lyricist of the modern national vocal music works. The vocal songs theme comes from the traditional folk songs, according to" Meng Jiangnv" by the story of creation. Composer Wang Zhixin combines the modern national vocal music works featuring the song" Meng Jiangnv" creation. The song melody is exquisite, plaintive plaintive, tirelessly to tell, hatred and does not lose the atmosphere, vividly depicts Meng Jiangnu miles for a husband, tears down the Great Wall scene. The song" Meng Jiangnv" tunes euphemism is smooth, delicate, with vivid words, so that the whole works with strong power and influence. The singer sang this song, vocal music, only your whole heart into it, to put this song interpretation of the good.

Key words:  artwork background,  analysis of works,  singing style

上传会员 白色球鞋 对本文的描述:本文将对大型新编声乐作品《孟姜女》进行浅要分析和浅显探究。《孟姜女》的曲作者是国家一级作曲家指挥家王志信,他的创作大胆运用了“中西结合”的方法。他的作品个性十分突......
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