
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:乐悠悠7788 更新时间:2014-04-22
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关键词:花腔; 迪里拜尔; 技巧; 演唱风格


Abstract:Coloratura soprano refers to the bel canto coloratura skill has sound brilliant light and elastic soprano, is mainly in the treble area of virtuoso singing. On the singing skills, the ventilation capacity and endurance required very high. Coloratura soprano with its wonderful crisp sound, smooth even lines, gorgeous skillful coloratura skill and Superman ultimate range of acoustic features, in all of the singing its brightness dazzles the eyes., stand head and shoulders above others. This article through the understanding of coloratura soprano development course, from Bayer Di" voices of Spring Waltz" coloratura songs proceed with, preliminary inquiry Dilber coloratura singing skills and artistic charm and coloratura singingskill training and Practice。

Key words:Coloratura; Dilber ; skills; Singing style

上传会员 乐悠悠7788 对本文的描述:花腔女高音,人称声乐金字塔顶端的云雀。产生于十七、十八世纪阉人歌手的发展的鼎盛时期,即美声唱法的黄金时代。当时大大发展了各种歌唱技巧,然后到了十九世纪晚期,斯卡拉......
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