
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:乐悠悠7788 更新时间:2014-04-22
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Abstract: The erhu is an ancient Chinese folk stringed instrument of. In the development process of modern erhu, representative of the play.Style has roughly the northern region, Shaanxi, Shandong area of Henan, Inner Mongolia, and South of Jiangsu area grassland different playing wind Lattice. Because of our different music style influence, make erhu form a variety of different styles and genres, including river .The southern style in many styles and schools become an independent school in. This combination of personal experience and the experience of Erhu learning, snoop Jiangnan erhu charm, to strengthen the Jiangnan erhu playing style and study, elaborated its to the erhu playing style characteristics were studied, and further promote the erhu playing style.

Keywords: The erhu  Playing style  Performance characteristic

上传会员 乐悠悠7788 对本文的描述:二胡也是我国优秀民族传统乐器中最有特色的乐器,它的音色深厚、甜润、纯正而雅致,能给人以悦耳动听,刚劲而秀美的感觉,可以表现各种曲调、音型和长音等。改革开放以来,二......
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