
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:乐悠悠7788 更新时间:2014-04-22
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Abstract: firstly, in the preface expounds the bel canto conception, and the art of language in singing, and led to the creation of this objective. In the first part from the bel canto of the origin, development status, and then from the bel canto breathing, resonance, articulation describes characteristics of Bel canto. The bel canto is introduced from abroad, the domestic development, bel canto originated from Italy, so the Italian bel canto singing language is the mother tongue, is very important for inducing the bel canto singing Chinese songs must pay special attention to pronunciation. Then on their own in the process of vocal music learning by analyzing the problems existed in the bel canto articulation and the importance of articulation skills. This paper uses examples to illustrate the method how to correct pronunciation in Bel canto. Prefix, suffix, emphasize the belly of the articulation methods. In some of the vocal songs is not easy to grasp the words to highlight the bel canto for vowels consistent, clear. Finally summarizes the bel canto emphasizes not only the beautiful melody, as very important, and proposed own opinion.

Key words: Bel Canto; articulation skills; the singing language

上传会员 乐悠悠7788 对本文的描述:我国的歌曲大多是建立在以汉语普通话为基础上的歌唱艺术,然而它存在一定的注重声音而不注重咬字吐字,将汉字的字头、字腹、字尾声调唱的不准确不清楚等问题。因此我们在唱美......
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