
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:乐悠悠7788 更新时间:2014-04-22
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关键字:发声练习; 练声曲; 高喉位; 真假声脱节;


abstract  : Vocal exercises have been recognized is the basis of singing, practicing acoustic songs for beginners class is a necessary and important part in the vocal music teaching, teacher in vocal training to students which is one of the important means of the practice of singing songs. This article through the practice of acoustic songs and its importance, and to illustrate how scientific and rational choice of design practice in vocal music classroom acoustic songs. Advocate ways to get solved in practice, refine, summary out of beginners choose to practice in vocal music and sound when the song, should be individualized, follows the teaching of specific laws and the unified core grasp the prominent character, research is of high practical significance.

Keywords  : Vocal exercises, practicing songs, high hose out of touch, real sound

上传会员 乐悠悠7788 对本文的描述:现有常见的练声曲有:《孔空声乐练习曲50首》、《阿勃特声乐练习曲》、《哇卡伊实用声乐练习曲》、《斯皮格高级声乐练习曲集》等等。本文对于如何正确针对声乐初学者设计练声曲......
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