
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:艾米 更新时间:2014-09-17
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摘要: 舞蹈技巧是在一定时间内,通过人体的运动做出的各种复杂动作,从而表达某种情感和事物。它根据各个不同的历史时期、情况、事物和现存的具体舞蹈动作为基础,在经过千百次的艺术实践和反复的艺术加工提炼,使之高于、超出一般的舞蹈动作。从而使得舞蹈作品更加精彩新颖,舞蹈技巧也是作品中不可或缺的重要部分。在舞蹈艺术飞快发展的今天,运用舞蹈技巧去塑造各种人物形象和情感,已成为一种必不可少的表演手段。正确的运用舞蹈技巧可以使得舞蹈作品起到意想不到的效果。

关键词  舞蹈,技巧,作用


ABSTRACT:Dance skills are in a certain period of time,Through the body of the movement of all kinds of complicated movements,To express certain emotions and situations. It according to the different historical period, the situation, and the basis of the existing concrete dance moves, After one thousand times of art practice and repeated processing and refining, Make it above and beyond the general dance moves. To make more exciting new dance works, Dance technique is also an indispensable part in work. In the dance art fast development today, Use dance skills to shape the character and emotion, Has become a necessary means of performance. The correct use of dance skills can make dance works play an unexpected effect.

Key Words:Dance, Skills, Effect

上传会员 艾米 对本文的描述:舞蹈技巧种类特别的多,各种道具舞蹈技巧和舞蹈的各种不同动作技巧。比如武术中的技巧,体操、戏曲等很多种类项目中都存在技术技巧,但是他们中的技巧与舞蹈有很大的区别,比......
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