
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:艾米 更新时间:2014-09-17
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摘要: 青海藏族民间祭祀舞蹈是一个广泛存在的舞蹈文化现象,各个民族都有自己繁盛的民间祭祀舞蹈。这些舞蹈充满了宗教色彩的神秘气息,同时也传达着当地人民生活及的劳作的特点。在经历数千年的历史冲刷之后,青海藏族民间祭祀舞蹈已大量的转化为民间娱乐性质的舞蹈,当然其根本的民族精神仍有保留。虽然现今的青海藏族民间祭祀舞蹈的功能有所削弱,但其历史作用却是毫无疑义的。本文欲通过青海藏族民间祭祀舞蹈的研究,加深社会外界对藏族民间祭祀舞蹈的了解,促进藏族民间祭祀舞蹈对外的发展 ,促进藏族民间祭祀舞蹈在当代的发展。

关键词  青海,民间祭祀,舞蹈,藏族,特征和功能


ABSTRACT:Qinghai Tibetan folk ritual dance is a dance that widespread cultural phenomenon, every nation has its own prosperity of folk dance. The dance is full of religious mysterious breath, it also conveys a feeling of the characteristics of the local people's life and work. After thousands of years history of scour, qinghai Tibetan folk ritual dance has a lot of into folk entertainment dance, of course there are still retain its fundamental national spirit. Although today's qinghai Tibetan folk ritual dance function weakened, but its historical role is no doubt. In this paper, through the study of qinghai Tibetan folk ritual dance, deepen the outside public understanding of the Tibetan folk ritual dance, promote the development of the Tibetan folk ritual dance foreign promote the development of Tibetan folk ritual dance in the contemporary.

Key words:  Qinghai ,The folk sacrifice, Dance ,Tibetan  Features And functions

上传会员 艾米 对本文的描述:最开始的民间舞是以巫术和祭祀等为目的舞蹈,经过数千年的传承,民间舞所含有的宗教性质被削弱了,例如龙舞的原始目的是求雨祭祀的舞,主要在年节之日以及严重干旱无雨时举行......
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