
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:艾米 更新时间:2014-09-17
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关键词  西北地区  少数民族  舞蹈文化  发展


ABSTRACT:China, is a cultural power, as well as an ancient civilization, has five thousand years of cultural history, with the development of history and the progress of the society, through long-term precipitation and accumulation, every nation has its national characteristics of dance culture.The northwest region is an ethnic minority, has a wealth of minority dance culture resources.This article analyzes and expounds the northwest minority dance cultural resources and the historic broadcast cloth, and points out its in the contemporary environment how to better adapt to the development of the society and not to be eliminated, kept the original flavor and easy to be accepted.

Key Words:The northwest region   Ethnic minorities   Dance culture   Develepment

上传会员 艾米 对本文的描述:西北少数民族舞蹈文化,是西北地区各少数民族在不同的地域环境、社会形势、宗教信仰以及不同的经济条件下,经过长期的历史积累发展而形成的一种身体动态现象的文化......
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