
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:艾米 更新时间:2014-09-17
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关键词  中国古典舞,风格特点,圆


ABSTRACT:The circle is an ancient concept of aesthetics, history of Chinese aesthetics. Chinese classical dance in the "art" was even more delightful, memorable. Classical dance was often described as "winding gently", "lively" the advocates and the Chinese Dragon Totem, and the universe as "yin and Yang", "Nosy" mentality is inseparable. But no matter how many different variations, it is not going to change the nature of, and is inseparable from "flat, splayed round or round, set up" three kinds of movement routes and tracks. Plus body twisted, twisting, bending, and so on. Now together form a special artistic style of Chinese classical dance as well as aesthetic values.We have every reason to say "circle" is the soul of Chinese classical dance, it is the most basic aesthetic characteristics. Embodies the essence of Chinese classical dance styles and aesthetic, with its rich and varied dance posture, strong national style and strong representation of a core and a hallmark of Chinese classical dance, classical dance art full embodiment of the soul! 

Key words: Chinese classical dance, Style features, Round

上传会员 艾米 对本文的描述:古典舞是古代舞蹈在现代当中的另一种呈现,是戏曲舞蹈的深化演变,这样的形容也不足为奇,说它是几千年来中国传统舞蹈的复兴也一点都不为过。有个叫李正一的教授曾经是这样诠......
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