
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:happy 更新时间:2014-09-18
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关键词:  意境,编创,感悟


ABSTRACT:If the dance is the human body movement performance, so the artistic conceptioncan be said to be "heart dance". Only a skilled dance works or dancer, just as there is no "heart" of the body, no temperature, no perception, no emotion, such works how to infection, how to communicate with the audience emotional? In the dance art, there is no conception of dance, is the only pure technical skillscombined, can not constitute a perfect dance works. Both writers, dancers or the audience to understand the work of the performance of the artistic conception,from which to extract, to meditate, to taste.

Key Words: Artistic conception, Creation, Inspiration

上传会员 happy 对本文的描述:一个好的舞蹈作品会带给观众以心灵的撞击,并留下无穷的联想与回味。在舞蹈意境创作中,生活各方面都会带给我们构造和升华意境的灵感。往往会是在不经意间的听闻、观察、欣赏......
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