
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:happy 更新时间:2014-09-18
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关键字   胶州秧歌,文化传承,文化特征,发展演变


ABSTRACT:  Jiaozhou yangko yangko is of distinctive form of art, no matter in class or in the form are song and dance drama. Another form varied and rich cultural connotation characteristics make it has a broad mass base. These days even without the origin of jiaozhou yangko in a word, but the place of jiaozhou in ancient times as the north's largest coastal ports is an important hub of the north-south trade, the formation of the jiaozhou yangko play a great role in promoting. Jiaozhou yangge is one of the three DaYangGe in shandong, was discovered at the time of the qing dynasty to now already has 240 years of history, has deep cultural background. The origin of this article by jiaozhou yangge, focuses on the process of the evolution of jiaozhou yangko and its distinctive cultural characteristics, in addition to the jiaozhou yangge inheritance development also makes a brief discussion.

Key Words: Jiaozhou Yangko,Cultural Inheritance,Cultural Character,Culture evolution

上传会员 happy 对本文的描述:秧歌最初是南方的劳动者在田地里插秧劳作时,边劳动边哼唱的曲调,在唐宋朝年代,胶州作为北方最大的沿海港口,是南北两地商贸往来的交通枢纽,伴随着商贸的往来,这种艺术形......
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