
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:happy 更新时间:2014-09-19
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关键词:  飞天,文化性质,舞蹈形象,特性


ABSTRACT:China's ancient "Flying Dream" has become the source of inspiration for many artists. World-famous symbol of the ancient Silk Road - Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes murals in Music and Dancing Buddha "flying" image with a more aesthetic wording reflects the human yearning for flying in the sky expectations. All in all, it shines human intelligence. Flying Art is the essence of Chinese traditional culture, is a symbol of nationalization. Artists through a unique visual art show, an extraordinary expression, unique artistic creativity, in favor of modern thinking, inheritance and development. In this paper, the image of flying from the action starting dancing, exploring the Dunhuang frescoes Kabuki dance of flying as well as its aesthetic Embodied cultural values.

Key Words: Flying,Cultural nature,Dance image,Characteristics

上传会员 happy 对本文的描述:天宫伎乐即香音神,专职演奏乐器。他们可以形成了一个不可抗拒的在舞蹈队列中飞行的伎乐天,在隋唐壁画常见。因此,舞蹈形象大都飘带飘飘,舞姿流畅动人。各个时代的飞天形象各具......
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