
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:happy 更新时间:2014-09-19
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关键词: 回族舞蹈,现状,训练组合,推广


ABSTRACT:In this paper, through the analysis and research and development status of the formation of Hui Hui lag reasons and dance, the dance culture made the relative solutions and measures. About the dance of Hui nationality folk art refinement and training series of dance, the folk dance culture be better preserved and spread. So we have a more profound understanding of the dance of Hui nationality, which can understand the dance of Hui nationality is the Hui people living consciousness and emotion accumulation, and spread of Yuyao inherited more permanent, importance and development more generally.

Key Words:The hui nationality dance   Actuality   Combination of training   To promote

上传会员 happy 对本文的描述:回族是我国穆斯林少数民族中人口聚多的一个民族,他不是特定的一个氏族或一个部落发展融合而形成的。是以西亚各民族为主要族员,并以移民迁徙方式和商业交流活动在中国境内逐......
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