
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:happy 更新时间:2014-09-19
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ABSTRACT:Breathing in dancing performance is an important part of it,it from the end of penetration in the dance performance,and it is on the dancer’s body on the expressive force and tension plays a decisive role . Without doubt, if lacked the proper breath method, the dance will lose the soul, only leaves the void and stiff performances, without any ornamental value. That is to say, as the dance performers, only fully aware of the importance of breath, and ensure the effectiveness of breath’s use, they can make the dance to achieve the expected performance. So,in this paper,starting from the close relationship between the and dance and breathing, mainly  elaborated  the  modern  breath.

Keywords:  Modern Dance, Breath, Use, Dance

上传会员 happy 对本文的描述:本文首先从呼吸与舞蹈的密切关系出发,分析了舞蹈中呼吸的控制方式,进一步探讨了呼吸在现代舞中的重要性,最后提出了现代舞中呼吸运用的基本方法,以供相关人员参考......
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