
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:龙骑士 更新时间:2015-04-24
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关键词  甘肃,少数民族,舞蹈文化,课堂开发


ABSTRACT:Minority dance into the classroom to protect its cultural research and resources play a key role. So, the development of local dance how the cultural resources fully, prominent regional dance characteristic, is our current problems can not be ignored. This paper will rescue and inheritance of curriculum development and ethnic dance cultural heritage closely together, all kinds of patterns on broadening the teaching reform in Colleges and universities dance professional ethnic area. This is not only conducive to mining and integration of ethnic dance resources, but also provides a broad platform for the development and dissemination of Chinese ethnic dance education.

Keywords: Gansu, minority, dance culture development, classroom

上传会员 龙骑士 对本文的描述:我亲身实践走进裕固族的农村以后才发现,在裕固族传统的民间舞蹈团里边沿的专业舞蹈有:双人舞,男性和女性的独奏,通过了解我认识到双人舞主要是日常生活的表现和生产劳动中......
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