
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:龙骑士 更新时间:2015-04-24
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关键词 裕固族,舞蹈,民族特色,发展


ABSTRACT:Hereby with a long history and splendid culture, the dance culture is also an important part of its culture.Due to the constant migration of the yugur yugur culture is constantly changing, collisions with other foreign national culture are intertwined,which had the greatest influence in the Mongolian and Tibetan culture.Yugur dance culture is also influenced by the Tibetan and Mongolian culture of dance, but the yugur still retains many of the native cultural rootsNew historical period, people began to the protection of dance culture and innovation, make the yugur dance culture more prosperous.

Keywords: Hereby, Dance, Ethnic characteristics, Development

上传会员 龙骑士 对本文的描述:由于东迁的原因裕固族离开了他们本民族文化核心的原来所属区,使得他们的文化产生了边缘性和薄弱性,迁入地是各大民族各种文化交错的边缘地带,即今天的青海、甘肃两省及周边......
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