
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:龙骑士 更新时间:2015-04-24
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关键词  萨玛舞 民族文化 文化价值 历史价值


ABSTRACT:Samar dance, it is a traditional and Uighur "but mu dance", "daolang dance", "summer and dance" and "na ZuErKu wood" tied for the Uighur five one of folk dance, is the most representative of the Uighur etiquette, and Uyghur’s working people in a kind of folk dance festival when collective gambols, unadorned power, beautiful and moving, and with the music accompaniment. It is, in the Xinxiang uygur folk dance with a strong religious folk color. This article through to the shaman dance dance origins, development, classification, style characteristics, forms, historical value, to in detail in this paper, the current situation of the development of seven aspects, to study the effect of samar dance to d our cultural and historical value, let more people know 

Keywords: Shaman dance,  culture culture,  historical value

上传会员 龙骑士 对本文的描述:“萨玛” 本是一种宗教的名称,在阿拉伯语中具有独特的含义,代表着 “天河”、“太空”或是“宇宙”。我们现在所看到的萨玛舞是随着社会的进步而渐渐从古时的祭祀礼仪演变而来......
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