
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:龙骑士 更新时间:2015-04-26
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关键词:    西北,“花儿”,艺术特点


ABSTRACT:"Flowers" in the national folk literature and art in the country, especially in the northwest folk song, has insurmountable status, its historical significance and literary value is extremely high. In the northwest folk song, is more profound, high reputation, was listed in the "intangible cultural heritage". The unparalleled academic achievements and status, it is extremely component and full of meaning. This historical part of northwest folk song, the flower is very worth living in northwest ethnic pride, it represents national culture and spirit, more need to protect it, make it go down. "Flower" is a very historical research value of folk art. Its history can be traced back to the book of songs. In this paper, the characters of "flowers", content, discusses the issues such as inheritance and attention.

key words: Flowers ,The northwest,Art

上传会员 龙骑士 对本文的描述:“花儿”和其他地区的民歌风格上面的不同也很容易吸引一些研究者对当地的这种民歌产生极大的兴趣,追溯历史,早在400年前,就提及到相关花儿的记载。这也对现在我们了解花儿、......
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