
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:龙骑士 更新时间:2015-04-26
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关键词: 文化素质 音乐教育 音乐作品 表现能力


ABSTRACT:In today's music education China environment has many disadvantages, in most of the students majoring in music, there is a considerable part of the students' short board more obvious in cultural quality. But the cultural quality in the process of music education and plays an important role in the cultural quality, not only affects the efficiency of teaching in music education process, also affect after finish school music educators on music performance and the ability to understand, in this paper the process of the cultural quality of music education and the influence of.

Key word:   Cultural quality   Music Education  Music works Performance ability

上传会员 龙骑士 对本文的描述:而音乐教育对于培养目标的核心能力是:具有较强的声乐与器乐表演能力和音乐鉴赏及辨别能力,掌握音乐作品的分析方法、具备一定的音乐创编写作能力;具有较强的组织音乐教育教......
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