
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:陈老师 更新时间:2013-09-14
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Abstract:Fashion is the dominant characterization of human culture, in life to occupy an indispensable position. Is also a symbol of human civilization is a reflection of their national culture, material culture and spiritual kind of information, but also a dance dress an important part of culture, as long as the dancers dance in a costume to wear to already have the most intuitive morphological characteristics. Throughout the practice the art of dance is more proof: the dance performance and dance are inextricably linked between clothing, so clothing design creation of dance works occupies an extremely important position, Different characteristics of different people of different ethnic dance costumes dance must rely on contrast to the style of presentation of dance works, dance works was able to sublimate, more perfect. The dance performance and dance costumes combination of both is a complete image of an important means of dance. The main topic to explore traditional costumes from the combination of costumes and stage start to explain the work in the dance costumes dance position and the important role of innovation and development.

Key words: minority folk costumes; stage costumes; art; dress style




上传会员 陈老师 对本文的描述:舞蹈表演与舞蹈服饰二者的有机结合才是构成完整的舞蹈艺术形象的重要手段。本课题主要探索的是少数民族舞蹈服饰的特点、运用以及民族服饰与舞蹈服饰之间的关系。......
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