
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:学大教育 更新时间:2013-10-09
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关键词  少数民族;苗族;进课堂;中学教育;传承文化;非物质遗产


Abstract:Traditional music culture of ethnic minorities in the course of history is formed and extended from generation to generation. It is not only the material and spiritual wealth of the Chinese nation ,it is also a foundation for the development of national culture. In these globalization days ,the heritage and development of the ethnic traditional culture has become the focus of thinking and discussion. This paper ,giving an example of Hmong music, describes the status of Hmong culture, it also describes the teaching status of  ethnic music culture in school education. Basic music courses, art expanded classes and school culture construction are the three aspects to explore how the culture of Miao ethnic music through into the secondary school music education . This paper also points out that the most effective way for the sustainable development of the ethnic music culture is none other than the none-school education. If we try to bring the ethnic music culture into the secondary school music education ,it will give great significance to the inheritance and protection of minorities on the music culture and it will also mean a lot to the enhance the national spiritual . 

Keywords   ethnic minorities,hmong,teaching in school,secondary education,transmitting culture,immaterial heritage





上传会员 学大教育 对本文的描述:在音乐教育中融入我国特色的少数民族音乐文化是我们作为音乐教育工作者不断追求的目标,取外来先进教育模式的精华创造出适合中国国情、保护中国民族特色文化的新的音乐教育模......
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