
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:我的男朋友 更新时间:2013-10-10
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关键词: 芦墟山歌 价值 传承 发展


Abstract:This essay focuses on Luxu folk songs as the research object and makes its unique artistic and social values clear to all by investigating and analyzing on the historical development, the characters of generating geographic environment, together with its surviving situation nowadays. At the same time, all the questions revolving around the aspect of inheriting Luxu folk songs are to be solved. This essay presents the efficient approaches and methods to protect and develop this precious cultural heritage. All of the above will help to provide with some concrete materials and opinions in the area of inheriting and preserving our local intangible cultural heritage of China.

Key words: Luxu folk songs, value, inherit, development





上传会员 我的男朋友 对本文的描述:芦墟山歌是植根于吴江市境内以芦墟为中心,用芦墟方言演唱,流行于环汾湖流域一带农村,并向周围的莘塔、金家坝、黎里以及浙江、上海毗邻地带乡镇辐射的民间歌谣。......
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