
资料分类:医药学院 上传会员:雨橙 更新时间:2014-01-09
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   结果:UPT试纸条对肠炎沙门氏菌检测特异性强,敏感性为107cfu/ml,线性相关系数 R2为0.957。




Abstract:To detect the strips of salmonella enteritidis based on the up-converting phosphor technology, and then evaluate whether the strips are available to the rapid detection  of salmonella enteritidis according to the sensitivity, specificity and linear.

   Methods: To apply the up-converting phosphor technology which combines UCP reporter particles and immune chromatography technology to the rapid detection of salmonella enteritidis. First, prepare the strips of salmonella enteritidis according to the established method. Second, deal with a series of samples for detection, and get the required data by means of biological sensors. Third, analyze the data and evaluate the sensitivity, specificity, linear of the strips of salmonella enteritidis.

   Results: The strips have good specificity for the detection of salmonella enteritidis. The detection sensitivity of the strips is 107cfu/ml and the linear correlation coefficient R2 is 0.957.

   Conclusion: The strips can be rapid, specific, sensitive to detect salmonella enteritidis, and the up-converting phosphor technology can be used as a rapid and effective method to detect salmonella enteritidis.

Key Words:Salmonella enteritidis, up-converting phosphor technology, UCP reporter particles , UPT test strip.


上传会员 雨橙 对本文的描述:将UCP颗粒与免疫层析技术相结合的上转发光技术,应用于肠炎沙门氏菌的快速检测。根据已经建立的方法制备检测肠炎沙门氏菌的层析试纸条,通过对一系列样品进行处理,并用生物传......
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