
资料分类:医药学院 上传会员:园丁小瞳 更新时间:2013-09-28
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Abstract:The study used qualitative research methods to explore how to respond the pressure of wine field pahtic by young professionals. Through a series of interviews, researchers gradually clear their experiences and feelings in the wine field pahtic, analyzing relative pressure sources, including health, self expectation and divide, others’ evaluation and personality. In the process of explaining their inner feelings, researchers record the process and methods in deal with wine field pressure. And the main ways to response are habituation, positive attitude, strengthen the meaning of target. The cultural of wine field pathic is also discussed by young professional and researcher together. The accepting of social cultural background helps them to understand social behaviors and alleviate the pressure of wine field pathic. It not only brings the thinking of responsibility in wine field, but also leads to the cultural can help them better understand social, and bring deeper thinking in the practice of wine field cultural. 

Keywords: qualitative research, young professionals, pressure of wine field pathic, respond, social and cultural backgrounds








上传会员 园丁小瞳 对本文的描述:本研究采用质的研究方法,重点探究职场新人如何应对酒场压力。通过与被调查者开展的一系列访谈,逐步明晰职场新人在酒场中的感受,通过身体健康、自我期待与他人看法、人格与......
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