
资料分类:医药学院 上传会员:园丁小瞳 更新时间:2013-09-29
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关键字 成人依恋 情绪表达性 情感体验


Abstract:This research used the random questioning investigation to analyze the relationships between adult attachment, emotional expression and emotional experience in college students, 192 college students were choosed  to complete the Relationship Questionnaire ( RQ) , Experience of Close Relationship ( ECR) , emotional expression questionnaire and emotional experience questionnaire. The results were as follows:① Adult ttachment style:secure of 72 subjects (37.5﹪) , ignored of 50 subjects (26.04﹪) , contradicted of 44 subjects (22.92﹪) and scared of 26 subjects (13.54﹪) .② The scores of attachment avoidance were significantly higer in males than in females , the scores of ready expression were significantly higer in females than in males. ③Variance analysis showed that different adult attachment styles of college students in positive emotions, negative emotions, inhibit expression indicator varied significantly. Secure subjects got higher scores in positive emotion experience than thoses of unsecure subjects, secure subjects and contradicted subjects got higher scores in ready expression than ignored subjects and scared subjects.④Attachment anxiety and attachment avoidance had significantly negative correlation with positive emotions, as well as significantly positive correlation with negative emotions. 

Key words: adult attachment , emotional expression ,emotional experience


上传会员 园丁小瞳 对本文的描述:分析显示不同依恋类型的大学生在正向情感、负向情感、抑制表达维度上的差异均有显著性意义,安全型依恋个体的正向情感体验显著高于非安全型个体......
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