
资料分类:医药学院 上传会员:园丁小瞳 更新时间:2013-09-29
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关键词:创业倾向性   “大五”人格  成就动机  成就需要  中国大学生


Abstract:The study examined 178 university students’ Big Five personality traits, achievement motives, entrepreneurial intention, as well as the prediction of entrepreneurial intention from personality and achievement motives. These students were from four universities in Nanjing, China, whose average age was 20.97 year and SD was 1.36. Three questionnaires were adopted. These are the Entrepreneurial Intention Questionnaire, the Chinese version of the NEO-FFI-3, and the Achievement Motives Scale.  Research results showed that: 1) gender differences existed on the achievement orientation dimensions of entrepreneurial intention; major differences existed on the achievement orientation and the responsibility dimensions of the entrepreneurial intention. 2) Neuroticism, openness, conscientiousness, and agreeableness were significantly negatively related to self-respecting; extraversion, openness, and conscientiousness were significantly positively correlated with innovation orientation and achievement orientation, responsibility. In general, high levels of extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and openness were related to the high level of entrepreneurial intention. Moreover, students’ need for achievement was significantly positively correlated with innovation orientation, achievement orientation, and responsibility. The fear of failure was significantly negatively correlated with self-respecting. 3) After demographic variables, including gender, major, and birth place being controlled, personality significantly predicted entrepreneurial intention. 4) With the control of the demographic variables and personality, students’ achievement motives had an extra contribution to their entrepreneurial intention.

Keywords: entrepreneurial intention   the Big Five personality traits   achievement motivation  achievement motives  university students


上传会员 园丁小瞳 对本文的描述:本研究采用《创业意向调查问卷》、《简化版“大五”人格问卷》和《成就需要问卷》对178名来自南京四所高校的大学生(平均年龄=20.97,SD=1.36)进行了“大五”人格和成就动机对其创......
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