
资料分类:法学翻译 上传会员:外文翻译 更新时间:2013-06-02
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译文(字数 8708):





  违约责任,一方面源于道德上应受的非难性,与自然法上的“约定必须遵守”是一脉相承的,是人类社会的基本道德要求在法律上的体现。另一方面它源于经济上的不利益性,通过违约责任对非违约方所受的损失进行补偿从而达到当事人之间利益的平衡,实现合同制度的功能和作用,从而促进整个社会经济秩序的正常和谐运转。再一方面它源于法律上的规范性,即违约责任的本质是法律对违约行为的否定性规范评价。 [1]总之,违约责任制度不仅是商品经济关系在法律上的内在要求,是民法平等、公平、等价有偿原则的具体体现,而且还是“匡扶正义的法律工具”。………………


原文(字符数 29001):



Analysis of contract law on the issue of liquidated damages provisions of the responsibility

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First, the nature of liability for breach of contract and the development of

Liability for breach of contract, on the one hand, from the moral condemnation of the subject, and the natural law of "pacta sunt servanda" is the same strain of human society's basic moral requirements in the law is all about. On the other hand it is not derived from economic interests, and through the breach of the responsibility of the non-defaulting party to compensate the losses suffered so as to achieve a balance of interests between the parties, the contract system to achieve the function and role, thus contributing to the overall socio-economic order harmonious functioning of the normal. On the one hand, it again from the legal norms, that is the nature of liability for breach of contract breach of the law regulate the negative evaluation.………………


上传会员 外文翻译 对本文的描述:合同法、违约金责任、违约金制度外文翻译违约责任,一方面源于道德上应受的非难性,与自然法上的“约定必须遵守”是一脉相承的,是人类社会的基本道德要求在法律上的体现。另......
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