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外文出处: Binjie Luo,Zhangxi Lin.  A decision tree model for herd behavior and                    empirical evidence from the online P2P lending market[J]. Information Systems and e-Business management.2013(1) 

 Data from Prosper.com provides us with a good opportunity to explore empirical evidences for herd behavior. When herd behavior arises, individuals follow the behaviors of other people and generally ignore their own information which might cost them too much to obtain or analyze. Following this idea, we propose to detect herd behavior by focusing on investors’ decision-making time variation. We observed that friend bids and bid counts impose significant effects on the decision-making time of investors, which is considered as the evidence of herding. We also conduct empirical analyses to address the impact of herd behavior on an individual’s benefit. We reveal that lenders are more likely to herd on listings with more bids and friend bid, but their benefit will be reduced as the consequence of the behavior.The online peer-to-peer (P2P)lending market matches people who need small loans but are unable to get them from traditional lending markets, which are hosted primarily by banks and other financial institutions with willing lenders. The online P2P market allows these parties to communicate peer-to-peer directly. Without banks as intermediaries, the P2P lending market can theoretically bring significant benefits to both borrowers and lenders. However, there is a dearth of research on human behavior in the online P2P lending market. Herd behavior describes various social situations in which individuals are strongly influenced by the decisions of others. 

上传会员 N号老师 对本文的描述: 它被广泛接受,金融中介存在减轻借款人和投资者之间的信息不对称因为这是一种新的投资方式,对P2P网络借贷市场的匿名性可能导致借款人具有更大的不确定性,从而加剧信息不对称......
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