基于Adobe AIR的沪江客户端设计与开发.doc

资料分类:教育技术 上传会员:小美 更新时间:2013-12-27
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摘要:利用Adobe AIR开发的富因特网应用程序,即RIA(Rich Internet Application),不仅可以快捷地部署到桌面,获得优质的用户体验,还可以获得如web应用程序一般丰富的功能。


   本文的主要工作是采用Adobe AIR技术开发沪江网RSS阅读器桌面客户端。通过对沪江网外语资讯站的特点的总结,分析客户端需求,从而确定了客户端的界面和总体功能。设计开发时遵循了科学的软件工程思想,采用MVC设计开发模式,将数据处理和视图分开,使得客户端具有低耦合、可扩展的特性。

【关键字】Adobe AIR;RSS阅读器;Adobe Flex;沪江网


Abstract:The Rich Internet Application based on Adobe AIR technology has many of characteristics. It can be easily deployed on desktop, offers great user experience, and has rich functions as web applications.

   RSS is another type of hot technology used to publish frequently updated works . Web feeds benefit publishers by letting them syndicate content automatically. RSS feeds can be subscribed by RSS reader which can be web-based or desktop-based. The RSS reader checks the user's subscribed feeds regularly for new work, downloads any updates that it finds, and provides a user interface to monitor and read the feeds. 

   In this paper, the main work is to introduce how to use Adobe AIR technology to develop web-based RSS reader whose RSS feed is from YesHJ.com. Firstly, we conclude the characteristics of YesHJ.com. Secondly, we analyse user requirement. And then we design the client's interface and functions. The RSS reader is designed following software-engineering-design and based on MVC which is a software architecture. Because of its separator from data processing and view controlling, the client has the characteristic of low coupling and is extensible.

【Keywords】Adobe AIR;RSS Reader;Adobe Flex;YesHJ.com


上传会员 小美 对本文的描述:本文的主要工作是采用Adobe AIR技术开发沪江网RSS阅读器桌面客户端。通过对沪江网外语资讯站的特点的总结,分析客户端需求,从而确定了客户端的界面和总体功能。设计开发时遵循了......
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