
资料分类:教育技术 上传会员:小美 更新时间:2013-12-27
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Abstract:In recent years, Information technology teaching in secondary schools has been the focus of attention in all aspects. The main direction of long-term  research are search a reasonable way for the reform.  At first the paper introduced the situation of the Subject. Then, described the Information technology, Information technology teaching ,  Teaching models and teaching methods. Then brief analysis of the advantages of Information technology teaching methods to the traditional teaching methods and indicated the shortage of Information technology teaching methods. Then , cited a number of existing relevant literature and reports and made a analysis and explanation of the literatures. Then described my own research. Then generalized and analyzed the questions with the literatures and my own search. Obtained the problems and the factors of it's useing of Information technology teaching. Finally, put forward a reasonable strategy to optimize information technology teaching according to the author's understanding and practical experience. Provide some references for teaching practice of Secondary School Information teaching.

【Keywords】Infomation Technology; Secondary School teaching; Literature;Research;





上传会员 小美 对本文的描述:本选题所论及的信息技术在中学教学中的应用,因此,本文的研究目的旨在揭示在教育信息化的背景之下,信息技术在当前中学教学中的应用现状。本论文的撰写主要是通过阅读分析大......
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