
资料分类:教育技术 上传会员:小美 更新时间:2013-12-27
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Abstract:With the development of the internet and computer technology, the industry of online games in China is booming. Lots of companies vie to get a share in the market of online games. Recently, a new game called the Killers of Three Kingdoms starts to get popular among university students, of which the developing trends attract many people's attention. The paper aims at drawing a primary conclusion by analyzing the reasons for its popularity and its impacts from the perspectives of the game itself. This research is taken among the players in Nanjing Normal University under the methods of investigations and interviews. The study states out that the popularity of the game has many reasons, including the players, game itself and game companies. It has much effect on players, manufacturers, and society. By analyzing the lifespan of this game, it can be primarily concluded that the popularity of this game is the players, production of operators, game itself and public opinions. Meanwhile, the paper figures out that in order to promote the healthy development of online gaming industry, the players, companies, the society, schools and families should work together to overcome the negative effects.

Key words: Online games, The Killers of Three Kingdoms, Universities, Epidemic reason, Influence factor





上传会员 小美 对本文的描述:通过本课题的研究,笔者希图通过对当前比较流行的网络游戏的研究,为防止玩家游戏成瘾提供帮助,方便家长了解孩子心理,并为其他研究者提供借鉴。通过对网络游戏流行原因与影......
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