
资料分类:教育技术 上传会员:巧乐兹 更新时间:2014-05-20
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【关键词】:网络教学平台 Blackboard 中国数字大学城 超级课堂 平台功能


【Abstract】:In order to the better understanding of the functionality of the network teaching platform, This paper makes a simple comparison from the functional position, the specific features, the use of cost and range of applications, the market support capabilities of the network teaching platform, the role of classification applications to the Blackboard, Digital City, the super classfunction of the network teaching platform , finds among the different. and make a deeper understanding of these three network teaching platform, in order to select the appropriate ourselves network teaching platform and make better use of network learning.

【Key words】:Network teaching platform  Blackboard  China Digital City  Super class Platform functionality

上传会员 巧乐兹 对本文的描述:为了能够更好的利用网络教学平台进行教学和学习,不少学者也对不同的网络教学平台进行了比较,主要是为了突出不同平台之间的功能和特点,从而可以进行更好、更合适的网络学习......
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