
资料分类:农业大学 上传会员:coffee45 更新时间:2014-11-03
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关键词 弹性蛋白酶;诱导表达;活性检测;重组质粒


Abstract:Elastase has a high economic value. Currently we can only get it from the pig pancreas .As an enzyme source is limited, it is a long-term shortage of it in the biochemical drugs and other aspects of the application. Though, it is immeasurable to use the microorganism.

   The elastase gene was cloned from the recombinant vector which harboring the interest gene,and which was then ligated, with the expression vector pET-30a(+).Ligated products were transformed into E.coli.Recombinant protein was analyzed by SDS-PAGE after the IPTG induction.After the the elastin solid medium punch Experiment, we co µld observe transparent circle to dentificate the hydrolyzed protein activity.

   As a result, the elastase gene expressed efficiently in E. Coli, making up 62% of the total protein Elastin gene was successf µlly connected to the plasmid vector pET-30a (+) to construct the expression vector pET-30a(+)/ela. Gel electrophoresis results showed its relative molecular mass was about 1400bp.And it transformed into E.coli successfully.By SDS-PAGE gel electrophoresis, we cloud find that the elastin is expressed. Many hydrolysis transparent rings apeared in the elastin solid medium.It showed that this protein having the activity of the hydrolysis of elastin.So it is possible to largely produce bioactive recombinant forethought the E.coli expression system. These res µlt wo µld provide a method to solve the problem of lack of the elastase.

Keywords  elastase   induced  Detection activity  Recombinant plasmid

上传会员 coffee45 对本文的描述:弹性蛋白酶(elastase)是一种以分解不溶性弹性蛋白质为特征的广谱蛋白水解酶,主要存在于动物胰脏中,以及皮肤、主动脉、血小板和白血球中。在微生物类群中也广有分布,细菌、放......
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