
资料分类:农业大学 上传会员:coffee45 更新时间:2014-11-03
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Abstract:Peroxidase is a sort of oxydase,which can be widely found in animals,plants and microbes,it has been widely used in many fields,such as identify immunity of enzyme,diagnose medicines,biological sensors,organic synthesize,control polluted water,etc.

 Electrophoresis-purity peroxidase from green beans was obtained sequentially after homogenization,extraction,ammonium sulfate precipitation,chromatography and gel filtration chromatography.I achieve the goal to purify peroxidase by SDS-PAGE as a single band.

 A brief protocol for purification of enzyme was worked out in my previous work.Now,a systematic evaluation of the biocatalytic properties of POD was carried out in this study.The experiment of stability shown that the POD was stable under 30℃~50℃, at the same time,the  peroxidase was able to retain its catalytic activity under wide of pH,it was stable under pH 5.0~9.0.Through the experiment,we know that its optimum temperature and pH were 40℃ and 6.0,its Km was determined to be 19.05 mmol/L under optimum conditions.  

 Another experiment which shown that different chemicals have different effect on the activation of peroxidase.Its activity could be strongly inhibited by Organic solvent and part of metals (Mn2+ and Fe2+),but activated by the disulfide bond, Zn2+ and Mg2+ .

Keywords :Peroxidase,POD  Enzymatic properties  Separation and Purification

上传会员 coffee45 对本文的描述:过氧化物酶是一种血红素蛋白,由单一肽链和卟啉组成,血红素蛋白与脱辅基蛋白分子组成全酶分子。过氧化物酶蛋白的分子质量约为35kD,含有约氨基酸残基序列300个左右,有血红素和......
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