
资料分类:本科论文 上传会员:莉雅 更新时间:2013-12-05
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关键词 客户关系管理  改善  客户满意   客户抱怨  客户信用


Abstract:Customer Relationship Management , with the help of advanced information technology and management theory , reengineers the business process to combine customer information resources,share customer information and resources mutually and analyze them intelligentiedly inside the business. It enables the business in a sea of information to analyze customer values, hold tight  to the core customer “one-to-one” style service dig up the customer potentiality ,better satisfying the customer, keep and attract more customers, ultimately to maximize the business profit.

   Carrying out CRM can be rewarding and beneficial as following: (1) manage customer resources effectively (2)enhance competition (3)better service (4)promote efficiency (5)reduce cost (6) increase the customer satisfaction and loyalty (7)improve the customer all-life value.

   The thesis, on the basis of the theory of Customer Relationship Management (CRM), briefly introduces the present CRM applied in AB company. It combines with the solid practices in the customer data management, the customer satisfaction, the customer complaints and the customer credits, etc. Meanwhile it summarizes the related problems existing in the company by furthering studies of the CRM system and the advanced theory of business management. It also brings out the feasible measures and solutions to the problems mentioned above.

   With the opening of China grain and Cooking Oil market, how to attract customer become more and more important. The study of the customer relationship management is important of improving the level of China grain and Cooking Oil market , In the article I made some suggestion on how to improve customer satisfaction in my company depending on the theory of CRM. I believe that such work will improve the competition ability of grain and Cooking Oil firm in the market.

Keywords  Customer Relationship Management   Improvement    Customer satisfaction     Customer complain     Customer Credit


上传会员 莉雅 对本文的描述:笔者希望通过这些方法能够有助于提高AB公司的客户管理水平和客户满意度,进一步稳固该公司在整个粮油行业的综合竞争能力。由于CRM在国内应用刚刚开始不久,本人也希望通过此次研......
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