
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:乐悠悠7788 更新时间:2014-04-22
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关键词:流行演唱; 哼鸣练习; 重要作用;


Abstract:Pop music as one of the major forms of popular music.Its rise in the early one hundred years ago in Europe and the United States began to develop.After twentieth Century,along with the development of popular music,Pop singing naturally become an important carrier of  modern  art. Pop music from the sound sense and has no fixed mode, the pop singer in terms of personality is life. However, any singing as a kind of vocal music art, there are similarities and differences in two aspects, all can be two words as a reference, namely" loose" and "". Therefore, the popular singing method is also inseparable from science, basic voice training. This article will focus on the analysis and discussion of basic voice training in the" humming practice" in the important role of the popular singing.

Keywords: Popular music;  humming practice;  Important role;

上传会员 乐悠悠7788 对本文的描述:科学的发声方法是歌唱的共性,不同的风格是个性,流行演唱也是这个道理。本文将以分析哼鸣练习在流行演唱中的重要作用为切入点,旨在强调和重视发声训练。体会它在具体歌唱实......
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